Accessibility, Inclusivity, and Diversity

Upcoming workshops

Engaging Students with Accessibility

By appointment July-August, 2024

One-on-one personalized workshops fit to your role — Learn how to better engage students with Universal Design for Learning, and how to improve your (students’) digital quality-of-life with accessibility features in the tools you already use (Ally, Office 365, G Suite, Chrome/Edge/Firefox, and more).

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Engaging Students with Accessibility (Group Training)

By appointment July-August, 2024

Inaccessibility can break students. This workshop covers the importance of accessibility, and gives attendees the tools and skills they need to implement it. By the end, participants will know:

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Introduction to Universal Design for Learning

August 28th, 2024

This workshop will introduce you to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and give you context for why its role in accessibility. You'll learn about its three pillars and their different aspects. You'll also learn techniques to incorporate UDL principals in every aspect of your course, and how you can do so easily.

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Making your Course Accessible to All Students

August 29th, 2024

Inclusion takes many forms in creating and teaching courses. This workshop will demonstrate best practices for making your course materials accessible and inclusive to all students. In this workshop, you will learn how making a few changes in your course documents can improve the accessibility of your course. All the tools used in this workshop are available to you at NECC. Features will include...

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Past workshops

Inclusion and Representation in the Gradebook

In this presentation, we will focus on how to increase awareness of the historically marginalized minorities and what tools we have to close the achievement gap. Drawing on the Center for Urban Education’s equity-minded practices, we developed a straightforward way for faculty to implement more inclusive approaches to assessment and grading. Then we open the discussion about your practices in achieving the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) goals.

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Student Accessibility Resources: What Accessibility Means to You

All accessibility features benefit everyone. In this workshop, students will learn about the accessibility features in the tools and systems they use, how they can personally benefit from them, and what accessibility and digital accessibility mean to them. Workshop is primarily intended for students, but both students and faculty are welcome.  

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Grading for Equity

In a recent book, Grading for Equity, Joe Feldman proposes that faculty should only grade their students based on their knowledge of course objectives and not on elements such as participation and the completion of homework. He argues that grading based partially on behavior skews grades in such a way that someone who...

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